You know, God has been speaking me to me more often these days.. (just when I thought, "hmm.. I haven't updated my prayer journal for a while now..")
This morning as usual, I woke up to my alarm: my anthem which I have chosen for myself:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways, acknowledge Him
And He shall direct, and He shall direct your path”
Since I have been praying for a revelation. (I had earlier wanted to join the preaching contest for EMERGE, so I prayed for a revelation on a sermon outline) So, when I woke up this morning, this was the message in my head:
Friends, how hungry are you today?
Are you hungry for God?
How many meals do you take a day?
Are you filled with the spiritual food of God?
God loves those who are hungry and He wants to fill you.
Following that message, were a few others that were ringing in my head.
God’s anointing
Fear. Fear is mistrust.
Fear not. …
What is your anthem?
There were so many messages ringing in my head that I wanted to write all of ‘em down.
Unfortunately, I became too anxious about what I needed to do that I decided to do the rest of the unimportant things first: brush my teeth, change, take supplements etc etc
When I was done with everything, I started to pray, and I prayed very intently knowing that God’s presence is with me.
When I went to work, I was reading today’s daily bread.
Haggai 2:5 'This is what I covenanted with you when you came out of
Subsequently, as I was doing my bible reading for today, 12th April:
Acts 13: 15 .. “Brothers, if you have a message of encouragement for the people, please speak.”.
It was then, that I started to write down the message that I had this morning.
God is serious. I told Him I wanted to show Him that I was serious too, and I really should.
Btw why this is interesting is because I have never gotten a message before. Most of the time, it would be God speaking to me, never before have I ever had a "sermon" message..This is a FIRST.
God has many more 'firsts' for you! His promises are soooooo abundant, it will give you unspeakable joy. =)
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