Friday, May 13, 2005

Rev. Dr Phil Pringle nite III

Last night is a definite documentation into my prayer journal. The power of God so strong; the man, Rev Dr Phil Pringle, so annointed; the presence of God flowed thru, even though I was at home watching it online, via my laptop, into the room and filled our hearts. My sis and me were deeply touched…

The messages struck the very minute I stepped into the room.
Pastor said

"Our destiny is in the people of the world, with whom we align ourselves with."

Shock! My destiny? With the people of the world? Well, after a while, it made sense.

"Therefore it is important who/ where/ what you align yourselves with."

Then pastor spoke about loyalty.

- The spirit of loyalty is constructive; spirit of disloyalty is destructive;

- Friendship is not higher than loyalty

- Loyalty is not loyalty till you’ve been challenged with disloyalty

Major lesson learnt. (take example from Absalom 2 Sam 13, 14)

Unresolved offences breeds disloyalty.
Unresolved offences occur when you were offended and you did not forgive. Nursing a grudge will disqualify your destiny. Hence, forgiving; forgiveness, is a daily affair.

The Lord’s prayer:

Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. Amen.

“Tonight, none of you will walk out without forgiving.”

There are a few types of people, some who are results-oriented; who will compromise in order to achieve their desired results.

Psalms 15: Keep commitments/ integrity even if it jeopardizes results.

Make decisions based on what God wants.

sometimes, People who demand the most, give the least.
sometimes, People who demand the least, give the most.


If our tents are to be enlarged, the stakes of loyalty need to be entrenched deeper so that winds of adversity do not blow it down.


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