Friday, May 08, 2009

Pray and enjoy a moment more with Him..

A friend of mine recently asked this question, "Why do we need to pray since God already knows what's going to happen to us? Does God change His mind?"

And in answering that, I came to seek Him more....

I told my friend, I had thought about that question before; about praying, but it subsequently became an easy question to answer especially when you open the Bible and it's filled with Jesus praying.. asking His disciples to pray, asking you and me to pray.. etc etc

Why there! Praying IS the way to go! Especially when Jesus HIMSELF is praying too!

And here's what I also told my friend..

1) our finite mind isn't able to understand an infinite God, so we can only rely on how far our finite mind can possibly take us. Yet, we should not let it handicap us in understanding God
"Lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge and He shall direct your path"

2) Even if the twists and turns in life have already been planned and decided for us, not praying only discounts us from having an encounter with God, much less experiencing His miracle. (A miracle is not quite the same without a prayer) and it shortchanges us of His revelation. Cos' we NEED God, not the other way around. So say, even if the results are going to be the same whether or not we pray (God loves us the same even when we don't pray) when we don't pray, we are really cutting ourselves short in our relationship with God.
So, each moment we don't pray, is a moment less with Him, each time we don't seek Him, is time lost with Him.

Given that He loves us all the same, don't you want to encounter Him in a deeper and more intimate way? So pray and read His word, and He will give you wisdom and show you a glimpse of future, and He can speak to you when you seek after Him.

James 4:8 says to draw close to God and He will draw close to you.

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