Monday, August 10, 2009

nail-pierced hands

Had a wonderful service this weekend - God's presence... So tangible... His voice.. so audible...

Jesus came and the Lord Himself spoke to me..

As I was in deep worship, I was struggling within myself.. I knew there was something I had to let go but I couldn't, it was really tough.. and as I continued to worship and sing to Him..
I felt Jesus Himself come right in front of me..

He stretched out both His hands toward me and showed me His palms.. Using a finger and pointing to both palms (the sign language for "Jesus"), He said, you see these hands? I have taken your sins and crucified them with me upon the cross.

And as He said that, I cried. I felt deliverance.. and understood that that I have been set free by His blood, and from now on, that handsign was going to serve as a reminder to myself to crucify my flesh, and that whatever I go through, He's gone through it for me, and I no longer need to struggle as I lift it up to Him.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I looked down at His nail-pierced hands again, I sensed the pain that He went through for my sake and I was touched by His love.. His great love..

Jesus, I'm grateful to You..
and truly, like the song goes..
"what's not to love about You
Heaven and earth adore You
Kings and kingdoms bow down
Son of God You are the one
You are the one
I'm living for"

Jesus, You are whom I live for.
I love You because You first loved me, because You sacrificed~

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