I didn't want that, and that is why I am going to chronicle what God spoke to me tonight, so that I will always remember it.
But before I enter into the service proper, I'd like to just mention that all of us were pretty psyched already, so I came prepared for an encounter with Him, prayed, and opened my heart for Him to speak to me as only He can..
It doesn't matter what kind of service you are going into, but the moment you decide to let your heart open, God can speak to you in tremendous ways. And so I learn today...
Pastor started the evening by asking us to 'see beyond ourselves'.
He says he is just an ordinary as anyone of us. If anything, he was merely an ordinary person making unusual choices.
..and he is who he is today, all because ONE man picked him up..
God uses ordinary people to do extraodinary things.
People who are different; who see beyond themselves, who see beyond culture...
Well, he was glad that the man who picked him up did not have to pray about it; did not have to put on a Hillsong CD to get into the mood; did not have to attend a convention.. He just did it.
Actually, the need is THE CALL. Just like how big doors open on very small hinges.
Someone in Indonesia once came up to pastor Bill and said, "I want to have the same vision that you and Isaiah had but I don't have what it takes.."
Some people may say, "I'm not as smart as the rest, not as eloquent.. I can't sing well, I..." Well, if you don't have it, you don't need it.
Let me repeat: If you don't have it, you don't need it.
Yes, you heard it right. Because you already have everything you need, to do exactly what God's designed for you to do.
City-changing, world-changing visions are not reserved for just big-time preachers or prophets.
So, you ask, "where do I get the vision?"
Now, real vision is a PROCESS.
Very few people wake up one day and flip into action.
For example, when you want a baby, you have to go through a process.
The swollen ankles, the stretch marks on your belly, the morning sickness..
If you want the product, you have to go through the process.
Isaiah 6 - The Vision And Calling Of Isaiah
Before we jump to verse 8, the Vision.
Let's look at verse 1:
In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.
Pastor gave the example of USA, and how it may be a good thing with what is happening to the economy now. Because the people had been so caught up with money, it's like they treat money as king, and same for some of us, sometimes we treat some of the things in life as king.. so it is only when the "king" dies, that things can begin to change..
Mother Theresa says it best, “You will never know that Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you've got."
Pastor Bill had an UPWARD VISION:
When 12-yr old Bill Wilson answered the altarcall in church, everyone had a counsellor beside them except himself. Probably cos he was the same clothes he was picked up in, plus his face was deformed. So he prayed, "God, my mum doesnt want me and even the Christians don't want me, but if You want me, here I am."
God took Bill Wilson as he was and in that same moment, he saw the Lord..
God saw Bill Wilson for who he was and in turn he saw God for who He is.
(I was very touched at this point for it reminded me of God's grace; of how He accepts me for who I am and loves me anyway..)
Pastor Bill had an INWARD VISION:
Isaiah 6, verse 5:
Then said I, Woe [is] me! for I am undone; because I [am] a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.
Isaiah saw himself for who he was on the INSIDE.
When we see God, after we have an Upward vision, we will have an INWARD VISION of who we are.. It may be ugly though, are you prepared to see it? Are you prepared to deal with it? Because God is going to do a work in you.
It's a process and it can be scary or even make you miserable and uncomfortable. Are you ready for an INWARD vision?
Pastor Bill had an OUTWARD VISION:
Isaiah 6, verse 8:
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here [am] I; send me.
A lot of people ask pastor Bill how does he sustain in his 43 years of ministry?
His answer: "My commitment is stronger than my emotion.. it has nothing to do with how I feel.."
That is so true, many a time, we get so caught up with how we feel, how depressed, how lethargic, that it distracts us from our goal and we lose focus. Tonight, I am reminded I need to stay committed to the call and not let my feelings sway me.
Once you catch the OUTWARD VISION, it changes the way you look at the world; the people; the needs. It changes your perspective.
Pastor gave the example of how one day, he found a thick bunch of hair amidst the garbage, when he went closer to take a look, the hair was part of a ponytail and it belonged to a dead girl who was lying face down in the garbage. He then flipped the body over and saw that the eyes had been gnawed out by ants. At that time, there were 2 other preachers with him. One got sick and threw up, and the other walked away. That day, he decided he was going to start a ministry for girls like her so they won't have to end up in the garbage. But given a typical circumstance, when people see a dead girl like her, to them, it's just another dead black girl. But one man. One man made a decision to do something about it.
As a Christian, we shouldn't have to be coerced to spread the good news, it should be automatic. And when we receive an OUTWARD VISION, the next time if we see a dead girl lying face down in the garbage, it won't just be another dead girl.
You see, ordinary people can be people of great vision.
Some years on Christmas Eve, Pastor Bill Wilson still goes back to the same spot where his mum left him; where he got picked up by the kind Christian stranger, and he does that so that he can remember what God did for him.
When I heard it, it touched my heart tremendously, because I also never want to forget what God has done for me. I want to always remember how my life was changed, how I gave my heart to Jesus; the turning point of my life.. I never want to forget how I lifted my hand at that particular spot in church, what happened that night, what went through my mind and my life after.. I never want to forget..
Pastor gave an altarcall for those who wanted God to start the process; for a vision; to help us see beyond ourselves. He says it is going to be scary for some and even miserable, but are you willing..?
We sang the song, "Open The Eyes Of My Heart, Lord"...
I stood up:
"God, open the eyes of my heart. Help me look beyond myself. I want You.. God, start the process in me now, I am willing for Your work to take place..
And God, I want to remember tonight - Let it not just be an emotionally charged evening, but let the very words spoken to my heart germinate in my spirit man.
I was born for a call bigger than myself, and I want to fulfil what You've put in me."
Amen. Let the work begin..♥
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