Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How to hear from God in daily life

I wanna thank God for answering my prayers..faithfully, without fail.

..I asked God, and I prayed. I said God I want to train myself up in godliness. Cos I really feel that I need to whip my spiritual life back into shape. I haven't been fellowshipping with God very much and that's bad. "So how do I become so sensitive to You such that I can hear Your voice even in my daily activities - I want to walk in natural and spiritual wisdom," I asked God.

So I went to His word and started reading, and God says, "When trying to decide which option is best or what path to choose, ask yourself, 'which way would bring God glory?' If God would be honored in any decision, then choose the one you like most. God hasn't put you on earth to make you miserable. A lot of Christians mistakenly think that the most miserable option must surely be God's will. That's not true. God has given you preferences and passions on purpose. He knows you will accomplish more for the kingdom when you are working in an area you love. If bringing God glory is your first priority, then you will always make wise decisions. They may sometimes be tough, but in the end, you will have made the right choice."

Ahh.. Right!
Hearing from God; Giving Him glory.. Making Him the first priority..
That's wisdom in decision-making!

God loves speaking to me through His word. I also must seek Him more in His word.. AND pay attention! :D

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