Saturday, June 28, 2008

God is Undeniably good

June 27 2008

Gin taught me an interesting way to chart my prayer life, she said the Holy Spirit inspired her to adopt this method.
She would pray, write down her prayer requests as well as note down those which God has answered.. Through this, she will be able to see which are the prayers which God answers and which are those which He will take time. From this, we will also be able to see a pattern of how God moves and we are better able to understand His heart.

A very good method I thought!

Even before I could start on it, I found two prayers which God would always answer promptly!

The first time Aaron and I prayed over our work, that God would open doors to sponsorships, for favor of men, that very night, a potential sponsor called me to indicate their interest in collaborating.

Yesterday, the 2nd time we prayed as a group, asking for favor and open doors in sponsorships, we received an email from another potential sponsor seeking to collaborate in our major dance events!

He was so prompt I had only one thing to conclude – God wants me to succeed in my career! He really wants me to succeed in my career.. and He will help me.

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