Tuesday, May 17, 2005


It's true, I haven't felt this way before.

I know I've been transformed. Not that I can see the transformation now. But inside me, I have this very strong feeling that confirms that the work of transformation.

Ps. Phil Pringle is an amazing man.. So annointed, so captivating. The week that just passed was life-changing. It's not something I can pin-point. I do not feel physically light, or happy, or emotionally touched.. I just feel like something's happened to my heart.. To put it in pastor's words, we are writing a new book, not a new chapter.

What did I learn last week?

- Destiny ; divine alignment
- To be loyal (to the church)
- Obedience & Reverence; fear of the Lord
- Respect authority: Obey the man God has appointed
- Tarry in His presence
- Be Faithful. whatever is not from faith is sin (rom 14:23)
- We Are Leaders (Accountable. Visible. Responsible.)
- Authority in Jesus; Do not doubt in your heart (mark 11:22-24)

I feel a renewal.. a transformation coming.. like the shedding of skin.. like strings cut loose..

Yesterday, someone sent me this email:

I want to stir up your mind to remind you that you have been given all things that pertain to life and godliness. But it is up to you to guard what God has given you.

And now in this hour, faith and the anointing of the Spirit of God
are in our hearts. But it's up to us to guard those treasures!
Source: From a Pastor's Heart by Kenneth E. Hagin. Jr.

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