Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Pursue Him with a pure heart

I had been wondering for a while if it was alright to try to please God. Like if it was ok to do something out of your will just so God can see and be pleased with you. Not to win the approval of men really, but to win His favor. But in modern day lingo; to curry favor (my Father in heaven).

I had an answer for myself then.. I thought, of course dear, it is alright to want to please God.

So during my prayer time, I asked God. I said, "God is it alright to try to please You? In the things that I do.. like when I intentionally do things that You like, so that You would be pleased with me?" And His reply was,

"Pursue Him with a pure heart."

"The kingdom Jesus had come to establish was not a political regime, but a kingdom of the heart and of the Spirit."

Thank You Jesus for speaking to me.

God is alive and He is still speaking very much to you and me today.

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