Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Not by chance

This must be told since nothing happens by chance, but that said, it never failed to amaze me still.

On Sunday 19 June, the sermon at my best friend's church was on the perfect will of God. So along that line of thoughts, she was wondering if she should still be as adamant on switching her line of work, cos’ looking back, one can't help but acknowledge that she has been very blessed. All the chances and lessons she received seemed to prepare her for her current job. Though it's never been her dream to be doing what she's doing, let's just say she enjoys her work, and many would die to be in her position. So, she thought maybe this job was God's will, so she shouldn't change it, since it does appear that He's more than led her here..

On Tuesday morning, I was doing my daily bible-reading. That morning's reading was Eph 4.. As I flipped thru the pages, I stopped at Eph 2 to look at the footnotes beneath:

Promise: He Promises To Have A Plan For You.

For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (Eph 2:10)

"Most days just seem to go by like every other day. Same old stuff. Same old everything. Blah blah blah. One day runs into another one. You close your eyes and wake up to do it all over again. Doesn't seem like much of a plan, does it?

Maybe not. But God has an exciting plan for your life - a plan that will give you purpose and fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams. Following God's plan takes what He's planned for you to do. You don't just accidentally fulfil what He's planned for you to do. You've got to seek God and ask Him to reveal His plan to you and to give you understanding about how you can fulfil it. Then, you've got to determine to make every day count for Him and for His plan.

Pay attention to every decision you face - even the ones that seem so insignificant. Take seriously every person you meet - even the ones you don't like. Embrace every situation you find yourself in - even the ones that seem to make no sense at all. They're shaping you, moulding you, preparing you for the next decision, the next person, the next situation.

Lose yourself in doing what God wants with every aspect of your life. Live your life in light of His plan!"

Upon reading the above, I immediately checked my Daily Devotional. Guess what? Sunday morning's bible-reading was EPHESIANS 2. I hadn't read the (above) footnotes earlier cos’ I'd used a different bible that day. But look, God speaks, and I always find it so amazing whenever Q&A situations like that happen. God can speak right to our hearts and answer our questions specifically. Just never stop asking, seeking, knocking. I love God. He is my Only God, my love, my Lord.

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